Acupuncture is thousands of years old and used across the world. It developed out of thousands of years of pragmatic study, and it has survived and flourished because it works. It can be used on its own, or as a complement to many western medical protocols. Treatment typically results in a higher quality of life. Pins are inserted into specific points on the body to improve function, gently nudging your body’s Qi in the right direction. It is non-addictive and chemical-free. It treats both chronic and acute issues.
How to Prepare for an Appointment
Fill out your initial intake forms, eat a small meal or snack, and wear comfortable clothes. I’ll take your full health history, and we’ll establish some treatment goals. After we get to know each other, and you ask me any questions you might have, we will get started with treatment.
The Needles
The needles are very fine, like a hair follicle. They are not hollow, and it feels NOTHING like an injection or blood draw or tattoo. You will feel “nothing” or a slight dull ache (which is a good thing).